Sunday 22 April 2007

Sunday 8 April 2007

Molo Quattro and Molara, Ventotene, Italy

Dive #31

Dive 1
Molo Quattro

Depth: 30m
Time: not recorded
Dive #32

Dive 2

Dive #33

Dive 3 - First ever night dive.
Molo Quattro

Depth: 30m
Time: not recorded

Ventotene, Italy

Ventotene is part of the Pontine Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea.  I visited the island twice as it is a fantastic scuba diving spot and, like numerous places in Italy, is a fascinating and very seductive place rich in history.  It is a diving mecca amongst Italian scuba divers and home to Diving World Ventotene, Italy's first scuba diving centre which opened in 1978.

During the Roman empire the island was chosen by many emperors as the ideal destination to banish troublemakerd.  Benito Mussolini also restructured a prison camp on the neighbouring island of Santo Stefano and sent many prominent political opponents there, including Sandro Pertini who would later become President of Italy.

View of Santo Stefano island

Ventotene is unforgettable for me as it was here that I did my first wreck dive, first night dive, as well as my deepest ever dive.  The wreck was of a steamer that was sunk by British bombers in July 1943.  The ship was carrying only civilians.  It now lies split in two at 46m.  This was the deepest dive that I have ever done.   

The Santa Lucia.

Dive #30
Le Sconiglie
Depth: 20m
Time: not recorded